Teleflora's Halloween Glow
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Happy Yellow-een! Yellow chrysanthemums are accented with bright orange roses -all finished with eucalyptus and autumn oak leaves. In an orange cube vase with a jack-o-lantern face, this is one bright and frightening boo-quet! This bright bouquet includes yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums, bi-color orange roses, rust cushion spray chrysanthemums, yellow disbud chrysanthemums, yellow viking spray chrysanthemums, oregonia, eucalyptus and autumn oak leaves. Delivered in an orange cube vase. Orientation: All-Around VASE This is a limited-edition Flowers-in-a-Gift selection which can be used for years to come. Available exclusively from Teleflora.

Teleflora's Halloween Glow



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Neighborhood Flower Delivery areas :

Grand Rapids, Michigan